Page name: across the universe [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-04-04 01:13:47
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Across The Universe

Is there anybody going to listen to my story....
[RESTARTED ON 09/20/2010!!!!!!!]

K so this is a wiki based on Across the Universe (my favorite musical ever!!!! i mean come on jim sturgis is cuter then hell xD)
Anyways this RPG takes place in the 60's where there's all sorts of turmoil and sadness and stuff :D
This is basically a love story but with some twists

NEW chat for this wiki to put idea's or whatever --> Across the questions



Name: Jude
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Short History: Originally from Liverpool, England; Jude came to the United States to try and find his father. He met a girl and fell in love, he moved to New York illegally to try and stay with her things however quickly spun out of control...he's an amazing artist and wants to find a job drawing somewhere
Any Powers: He can sing randomly xD
Other Info: none yet
<img:> Maxwell's Silver Hammer (xD max is apparently a murderer xD not really but yea google te song :D on another note clearly Max is a slut lookit his pants xD) and Jude with his random strawberries :D
<img:> Jude's new shiba inu puppy Shep, for some reason Shep LOVES John xD like litterally loves him xD

Name: Maxwell (Max) Carrigan
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Short History: Max is in his own words: "An unmotivated college dropout" his rich parents sent him to college where he prompltly dropped out, he grew tired of his parents telling him what a disapointment he was and moved to new york with his best friend Jude to try and escape it. He recently recieved and burnt a draft card
Any powers: He can shift to a wolf
Other Info: nope
<img:> woo a good emo pic xD not sure why he always looks so emo o.o he was only emo in like a third of the movie @_@
<img:> slighty better but he looks emo >.<
<img:> fluffy wolf form >:D

Max's puppy Zeus

Name: Lucy Carrigan
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Short history: Lucy is Max's little sister, closer to her parents then max. She hates war and is very pro peace her first boyfriend was killed in the war she is a former lover of Jude and is pregnent with his child. She was part of an anti war group but left after discovering they were building bombs
Any Powers: none
Other info: She is very protective of Max
<img:> Lucy & Max

Name: Paul 'Bruce' Dickinson [last one i promise xD]
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bi-sexual but prefers the ladies
Short History: Bruce has lived in England with his grandparent's his full life however when they both died he found it too depressing to stay there so he moved to New York to start a new life. He's an amazing singer and fencer and dreams of becoming a pilot someday
Any Powers: his cuteness :D and he can shift to a wolf :D
Other info: none

Name: JoJo [k this is my last one xD]
Age: 37
Sexuality: Straight
Short History: JoJo has lived in New York his whole life and loves it, he's the landlord to Jude and Max. He fought in the war and is still traumatized by it but he hides it well and doesn't think it does any good to try and hide from it.
Any Powers: nope
Other info: he's a singer and a guitarist


[Tis gone but never gone]
Name:Garnet Lacey
Short History:Garnet grew up in New York her whole life and her family own a huge recording company, while she works in a cafe because she refuses to take money off her parents. She wants to be a fashion designer or a writer.
Any Powers: Can freeze time?
Other Info: The reason she became a lesbian is because her uncle raped her from the age of 13 and she has been put off men ever since then. Oh and she is Rei's best friend, he is the one guy she can stand to be around.

[Tis gone but never gone]
Name:Summer Van Alen
Short History:She is Garnet's best female friend and ex girlfriend too. Summer gose to NYU, studying art because she wants to be an artist.Summer got preagant at age 16 with her ex boyfriend Colin's baby, her parents where out raged and kicked her out the house, so Summer went to live with her best friend Garnet's house. She gave up her son to her sister, Jenny, because she couldn't get preagant but she told her sister that she would like to be in her son's like, they agreed to it. So Summer acts as Mark's auntie, spending time with him three times a week but at times Summer wants to tell him the truth but she can't because of her sister.
Any Powers:She has the power of a slut XD
other Info:She smokes, drinks and dose drugs

[Tis gone but never gone]
Name: Marcus William Van Alen (Nut he gets called Mark)
Sexuality:Too young :P
Short History: Mark is the son of Summer and Colin. His mother was only 16 when she give birth to him as his father left his mother. His mother gave him up to his auntie Jenny because she couldn't get preagant. So he thinks that Summer is his auntie but really she is his mother but he dosen't know.


Name: Rei Akito
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bi
Short History: is a professional singer and has lived in new york his whole life though lately he's been slipping lately getting into drugs and alcohol
any powers: err he can shape shadows into whatever he wants?
other info: none

Name: Nikolai
Age: 32
Sexuality: gay
Short History: been a drug dealer since he was 16 he doesnt use just sells
Powers: power of persuasion
other info: none
<img:><img500*0:stuff/aj/49600/shibapup.jpg> Nikki's rat crystal and his puppy Dragon :D

Name: Belle McDaniel
Age: 16
Sexuality: Straight
Short History: recently came moved to new york to find her aunt to get away from her abusive father
Powers: she can see into the future
other info:...

Name: Amy Lee Hartzler but she goes by Alex
Sexuality: Bi
Short History: she's moved around a lot she's currently in new york to well she doesnt know yet all she knows is that she wants to help her country and fight for it but since she's a woman they wont allow it so she keeps her hair in a ponytail and pinned under a hat she always wears she does everything she can to make her look like a boy so she can be drafted she has documents and everything that says alex but they're all forged
Powers: none
Other info: is a girl masquerading as a boy


Name: Marcus
Age: 17
Sexuality: Gay
Short History: He lived in london for a long time then moved to new york recently.
Any Powers: Can change to a wolf and control and create fire
Other Info: Allergic to chocolate and Silver

Name:John Jameson
History:John was in a gang back in Irland and he saw a lot of folk get killed and he helped with the killing too but one night, the guilt of what he did got to him.So he went to the cops and told them everything, he was only 15 at the time. He went to Juvenile prison until about 6 months ago when he finshed his time in the big house. So now he's in...yeah here in New York.
Personallity:Depressed, sat, hurt, alone, suicidal
Powers: Pyromancer!
Other in hiding...he left his gang, when shit go too hot, confessed yadda yadda, but nayway, he knows how to build bombs and shit :D


extra wiki's

Across The Universe deleted scenes for all yer sex perv's xD new one's will also be here

Across The Universe Full Movie for those of you who wish to watch teh movie :D

Across The Universe The Songs admit it you want to see Jim Sturgis singing xD

Across the Questions for question's and ideas :D

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John smiled at her. "I do find ye beautiful, lass."

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max smiles a little heading back home, "Zeus...I'm gonna miss ya will you take care of lucy for me?"

Zeus lowers his ears a little and nods

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "you'll be back max"

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max, "Yea maybe" he keeps walkin

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled "you will"

Nikolai leaned against a building smoking a cig

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max see's Nikolai and debates then walks over

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "hiya again"

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Ya wanna do something, now that If inished the yard?"

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max, "What do you have?"

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled "sure"

Nikolai smiled "what do you want?"

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max shrugs, "Somethin to make the pain go away"

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Let's go see a movie."

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle nodded "alright"

Nikolai handed him some pot "if that doesnt work i have stronger"

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded and sighed. "Ye knkow where it is?"

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "there's one downtown"

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled and reached for her hand. "Shal we?"

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle kept her hand to herself "alright"

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Zeus sniffs then growls loudly at Niki, 'no dad'

Max frowns and nods, "Tanks how much?"

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded and followed.

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "twenty for this much"

Belle smiled walking with him

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max, "I don't know if I have that much..."

Zeus growls and barks at Nikolai

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He walked with her.

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "how much do you have?"

Belle smiled.

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He opened the door for her, once they arrived.

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max frowns and looks at Zeus then nods, "Not enough" he hands it back, "My dogs right I don't need em"

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled "thank you" she said as she walked inside

Nikolai "just give me what you have and i'll give you this"

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "You're quite welcome." he'd smile walking in with her. "What ya wanna see?"

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled "um a comedy?"

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "What comedy is out...never been to a movie theater in america."

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle named a few of the comedy's

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He named the one he weanted to see.

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "then we'll see that one"

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max looks very tempted but shakes his head and sighs, "No I can't"

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai nodded "alright"

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded and paid for the tickets.

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled getting the popcorn and drinks

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He paid for that too, not allowing her. "Nah lass, in me country da lad pays for the lass."

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max, "But thanks hey would you watch my dog for me?"

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled "but in this country women do things for themselves"

Nikolai nodded "well sure"

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled and retracted the money. "I like a independent lass." he'd wink at her.

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max nods and hands him Zeus' leash

Zeus lowers his ears a little, 'dad?'

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled paying for the snack "thats good"

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "where ya goin?"

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "He nodded and walked to teh dor, opening it for her.

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled as she found them some seats

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max pets Zeus, "I dunno maybe a movie or something I just wanna get away for a min"

Zeus whimpers a little

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John sat next o her.

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai nodded "alright um well so the dog can get its food and water where do you live i can watch him there? but dont worry i wont steal from you im not that kind of person"

Belle crossed her legs as the movie started

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John smiled and watched.

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max tells him then heads to the movies

Zeus frowns

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai frowned petting Zeus "he'll be ok lets get you home"

Belle giggled

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John chuckled.

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max gets to teh movies buying a ticket for a comedy and plops down tryin to watch and get entertained

Zeus nods a little and heads for the apartmennt

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai walked into the apartment "alright ya hungry?"

Belle giggled more

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John chuckled mroe.

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max hears the others laughing but frowns, the movie wasn't helping to distract him, he sighs, pulling out a razor and lifting his sleeves, slowly cutting his arms

Zeus goes to the window, laying down and looking out, waiting for Max

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled.

Nikolai "it'll be ok boy"

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John smield and watched laughing.

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max keeps cutting, eventually passing out

Zeus looks back at Nikolai, 'why did you want to give my dad that bad stuff?'

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "its how i make my living"

Belle giggled softly

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John chuckiled at the movie.

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Zeus, 'it's not nice'

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "I know i know"

Belle "that was a good movie"

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Zeus, 'so why do it?'

Max is all passed out like :O

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai shrugged "its the only thing i can do no one wants to hire a gay guy"

Belle got up and went to leave gasping "max!"

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John followed. "WTf, is he okay?"

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Zeus tilts his head, 'what's gay?'

Max mutters softly, kinda wakin up

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John grabbed his elbow and threw him over his shoulder. "Where's da hospital."

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "two blocks over"

Nikolai "lucky you" he chuckled softly "i like men not girls"

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max jumps and cries out a little, "wha?" he asks groggily

Zeus, 'so what?'

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "well a lot of people dont like people like me"

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John nodded and hightailed it over.

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Zeus, 'why?'

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai shrugged "Not sure"

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Zeus frowns, 'i don't mind you'

Max, "what's goin on?" he asks wakin up more

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "thanks"

Belle "why were you cutting you idiot?"

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Zeus nods and lays down

Max shrugs, "It helps with the pain"

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "there are other ways to deal with it like talking to someone"

Nikolai curled his legs up on on the couch looking around for a little bit.

2010-09-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer was studying in the cafe that Garent works in. She was sipping a coffee as she read a book on vincent van gogh

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max shrugs, "Like who?"

Zeus wags his tail a little and walks over to Nikolai

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "anyone you trust to talk to"

Nikolai smiled "hey zeus"

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max, "I don't want to worry Jude or Lucy"

zeus, 'i'm hungry'

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "and this wont worry them?"

Nikolai smiled getting up "alright then where does he keep the dog food"

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max, "They won't find out"

Zeus, 'in the cookie jar >.>'

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "yes because cut wrist and bleeding are so easy to hide"

Nikolai chuckled "I dont think it is but i'll give ya a few if you tell me where it really is"

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max, "I'll wear long sleeves" he shrugs

Zeus wags his tail, 'in the cuboard by the fridge'

Shep yawns and trots out then barks at Nikolai, 'omg a new guy!'

2010-09-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "well im telling them they're your friends and they care about you"

Nikolai jumped as he was getting the dog food out and some cookies "oh hey a new dog"

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max, "I don't want to worry them they have enough to worry about"

Shep wags his tail

Zeus, 'but i get all the cookies right?'

2010-09-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Ye okay, laddy?" he'd ask.

2010-09-24 [wolvie]: Max watces the doctors and nods a little

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "I will be"

Nikolai smiled "you have to share the cookies"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Max pulls away from the doctors and nods, "Right well I'm going home"

Shep, 'cookies? omg i love cookies :D' he barks loudly

Zeus whines, 'but i wanted all the cookies'

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "still shouldnt worry your friends"

Nikolai smiled "you can both have cookies"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Max, "I won't they won't know guaranteed"

Shep barks excidedly

[ooooh kitty i got an idea :O]

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [ooh wha?]

Belle rolled her eyes.

Nikolai smiled getting each dog some food and cookies

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: [i'll tell ya in teh question wiki :D *points above*]

Max, "What?"

Shep and Zeus both wag their tails and eat

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [tay ^^]

belle "Nothin"

Nikolai smiled sitting down turning on the tv.

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: [woot :D]

Max nods, "Well...I'm sorry ok and thanks"

Zeus jumps on Niki's lap :D

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "welcome"

Nikolai jumped chuckling "well hi"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Max nods and heads home quickly

Zeus licks his face

Shep barks and jumps on the back of the couch then puts his front paws on Nikolai's head, "Mine :D"

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai giggled "ah im bein claimed by doggies"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Max walks into the apartment then smiles softly, "Boys what're ya doin?"

Zeus, 'pffft are not noone's humpin ya fool omg hi dad :D' he jumps down and pounces Max

Shep has fallen aslep xD

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John walked up behind Belle. "He doing better?"

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "hope so"

Nikolai "i didnt mean it like that"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John nodded. "Shall we head home now?"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Max smiles and pets Zeus, "Missed ya two and thanks strange man"

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle nodded "yes we shall"

Nikolai smiled back "the name is nikolai"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John walked her home.

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "thank you for tonight"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "No lass, tank ye." he'd smile.

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Max nods, "Well thanks Nikolai"

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled "good night"

Nikolai smiled "welcome"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Yes, it was." he'd smile taking her hand and kissing the top of it. "See ya in da mornin?"

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled "you might"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Max, "I'm Max by the way" he offers his hand, exposing some of the bandages on his arm

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I thought I was stayin' 'ere? Seein as 'ow I dun 'ave a place?"

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle chuckled "I have important things to do so i have to be up super early i probably wont see you til about noon"

Nikolai gently shook his hand "ya know nothing is bad enough to cut for"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Max shakes also then pulls his sleeve down, "I didn't cut.."he lies lookin away

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John nodded. "I can deal wit dat."

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "you cant lie to a former cutter"

Belle nodded "alright"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "So, da couch yes?"

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "there is a guest room down the hall on the first floor"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "tank ye." he'd smile, heading to the room to sleep.

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled "you're welcome" she headed to her room

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John went to sleep.

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Max, "Its not your buisness"

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai shrugged "life can only get better when you've seen the worse" he said simply then went home and to bed.

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Max frowns a little then shrugs going to bed as well.

Day numero duo!

Max stretches and sighs, he was leaving today

Jude and Jojo are arguin over teh prize in the cracker jack box xD

Lucy sips some coffee looking upset

Bruce stretches

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle was out doing her errands

Nikolai decided he was too lazy to get outta bed

Amy was up making breakfast

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John was up and cleaning up the house.

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Bruce yawns, "Amy?"

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy "in the kitchen bruce"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles gettin up and going to teh kitchen, "What're ya doin?"

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled back "making breakfast"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Bruce, "OH you shoulda let me do that" he smiles

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled "i wanted to surprise you"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John smield as he continued cleaning the house.

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Well that was nice of ya"

Shep has managed to escape and somehow dug his way into Belle's back yard :D

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John was cleannig the houes, leaving all the doors closed and locked.

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle hummed as she headed home.

Amy smiled "why thank you"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "Smells good"

Shep whimpers clawing at the back door, wantin in

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John wasn't near teh door he was scratching at, he was upstairs, cleaning.

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Shep barks and keeps whining v.v

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle walked into her back door hearing the scratching "well hi there" she opened the door for Shep.

Amy smiled "thank you"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John had just finished cleaning the entire house.

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Shep wags his tail and trots in, licking Belle's hand then sniffs and runs over to John barkin happily

Bruce smiles back, "No thank you"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John picked up the pup and cradled him. "Well 'ello there puppeh." he'd smile tickling his tummy.

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Shep wags his tail squirmin for a sec then jumps down and mounts John's leg humpin it happily xD

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle walked in then started laughing seeing Shep.

Amy kissed his cheek serving him some food

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Wow thanks rinoa"

Shep pants and finishes then hops down all proud like and walks back to belle :D

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John blinked. "Um...down boy, down." he'd chuckle nudging him off.

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle couldnt stop laughing.

Amy blinked "rinoa? who's rinoa?"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: [my bad xD sleepy wolvie #_#]

Shep wags his tail cutely and smiles at Belle

Bruce, "Err sorry meant Amy"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John olled his eyes. "anyway, what cha wanna do today?"

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled back "im not sure"

Amy smiled "alright then"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John grinned. "I could think of a few things."

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Shep barks and sniffs John then rudedly pees on his other leg

Bruce smiles back and eats

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "Like what?"

Amy smiled sitting down to eat

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John blinked. "AFter I...take a shower...we could...get to knwo one anudder."

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "sure"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Shep smiles cutely

Bruce, "it's good amy real good"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John nodded and went to shower.

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle petted Shep "where'd you come from"

Amy smiled "thanks bruce" she kissed his cheek

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Shep licks her hand, 'my house duh'

Bruce smiles back and ndos gaterin up the dishes, "Welcome"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John was taking a shower.

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "and where's that?"

Amy "oh you didnt have to do those"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: shep, 'errrrrrr with jude and zeus and max and that one dude :D'

Bruce smiles, "I want to ya silly goose"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John was cleaning himself.

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "oh how's max?"

Amy smiled back "well alright"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Shep, 'i dunno good i thinks'

Bruce whistles doin the dishes

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "well good cause after last night he worried me"

Amy smiled softly she looked over at the draft card she hadnt thrown it away yet and she wasnt sure why

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John began to dry off and put on new clothing.

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Shep tilts his head, 'what do ya mean?'

Bruce looks over and frowns, "Why do you still have that? I'm not lettin you go over there"

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "he had cut himself"

Amy "why not? what if i wanted to? its my decision not yours"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John walked downstairs.

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Shep, 'what's that?'

Bruce, "Well sorta but not really they don't allow women only men so it's really not your choice at tall"

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "He hurt himself"

Amy "well its alex's choice then"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Shep frowns, "why?'

Bruce, "it's not much of a choice death or life any idiot would choose life and stayin here"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John blinked. "You...can hear teh dog?"

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "i suppose so" she shrugged "I dont know why"

Amy "its not about life or death its about honor and fighting for what you believe in and i believe in protecting the young, the innocent, anyone who cant protect themselves"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Shep frowns

Bruce, "And gettin blown up in the process?"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He shrugged. "Odd."

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "well its good he's ok"

Amy "you dont know that'll happen"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Shep nods

Bruce, "Well it doesn't matter cuz your not goin"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Ready to get to know one another?"

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy "you dont own me so you cant say whether im going or not"

Belle "sure"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John smiled and got to know her, he even told her...about his troubled past, in the IRA

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle nodded as she listened.

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "But I'm gettin' a fresh start, ye know? I dun wanna eva 'ave ta do dat shit anymore."

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle nodded "thats good"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Now tell me bout yeself."

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle tells him her life story though she left out the abuse part she wasnt ready to tell someone she just met about that.

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Shep yawns

Bruce frowns, "Well...I know but I don't wanna see you hurt"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John smiled. "Well lass, I must say, I like ye a lot." he'd say gently stroking her cheek. "But I can tell dar's somethin' ye hiddin, but I know ye'll tell me in time."

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "lets get shep home to where he belongs his owner must miss him" she pulled away from his touch "i barely know you quit touching me like that"

Amy "you dont know if i will so quit assuming"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John sighed. "I'm sorra lass, I didn' mean it like dat." he'd say standing up and following her.

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: Shep yawns again

Bruce nods a little and goes quiet as he does the dishes

2010-09-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy looked at the draft card she'd decided she was going.

Belle "where do you live little doggie?"

2010-09-25 [wolvie]: shep, 'mai apartment'

Bruce looks over and frowns, "Your not going?"

2010-09-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John blinked.

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